
Unleash the Potential of AI in Your Manufacturing Operations

Date & Time
Recording Available
Webinar Length
1 hour

If you’re in the manufacturing industry and you’re also tired of hearing the phrase “artificial intelligence” being thrown around without any real meaning, this webinar is for you!

Give me a single highest value action item on how to cut on down time, back it with data.

Prioritize Fixing Mechanical Issues on Lathes to Reduce Downtime

Based on the provided data, the single highest value action item to cut down on machine downtime is to prioritize fixing mechanical issues on lathes. The data shows that:

  • Lathe #1 had a 120-minute downtime due to a vibration issue during operation
  • Lathe #2 had a 180-minute downtime due to a rough surface finish issue
  • Lathe #3 had a 240-minute downtime due to a tailstock alignment issue

These three instances account for a total of 540 minutes (9 hours) of downtime, which is significant compared to other machines and fault categories.

To reduce this downtime, the action item should be to:

  1. Conduct regular preventive maintenance on lathes to identify and fix mechanical issues proactively
  2. Train operators to promptly report any mechanical issues for quick resolution
  3. Ensure spare parts for common mechanical issues are readily available to minimize repair time

By focusing on addressing mechanical issues on lathes, the company can significantly reduce downtime and improve overall equipment effectiveness.

This webinar is going to be practical, with real-life examples of using AI tools that provide genuine value that you can leverage tomorrow morning, and without breaking the bank (and not just writing cute limericks on ChatGPT).

The webinar is suitable for diverse industries, from subcontractors for assembly and packaging, through electronics, food and beverages, plastics, machining, and up to pharmaceuticals and medical devices.

Relevant job roles: senior management, operations management, operational excellence, engineering, quality, and more.

What will be covered in the webinar?

  • An explanation of the various possible uses and how to properly leverage the technology for immediate and significant benefit.
  • Practical, real-time examples from the world of assembly, manufacturing, quality, and maintenance across various industries.
  • Commercial and regulatory implications
  • Q&A session
Mickey Shaposhnik
Curious about anything

Webinar Pick:

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