Oil, Gas and Energy

Shorten setup and maintenance times, reduce human error, increase plant efficiency and effectiveness
(OEE) and improve your ability to handle and control work processes, with the
Next Plus platform for the energy and chemical industries.


Always be connected

With the help of the Next Plus notification system for stakeholders in the production process, you are informed of what is happening,
at any given moment.


Monitor the employee's environment

Smart equipment, cameras, sensors, digital scales, optical character recognition (OCR) and more are great sources
for real-time data which is used to reduce the impact of human interaction and the cost of poor quality.

Factory Paper

Work online or offline

Next Plus supports work connected to a server or offline in the field, internet, and on-premise.

Customize and implement Next Plus quickly and easily

Upload all your data and content, including legacy data, to Next Plus, and incorporate them into the production process immediately.

Reduce reliance on employees and suppliers

Next Plus supports setup and maintenance processes in the production lines, in a way that allows you
to reduce dependence on specific employees and suppliers.

Apply to any hardware and any device

Next Plus is at your disposal everywhere. It supports mobile software and devices
such as cell phones, tablets, computers and even smart glasses.


Produce analytical reports on your own

Get complete analytical information on operations, production, and workforce,
without relying on IT personnel, programmers, or BI specialists.

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Reduce human error in the manufacturing and control processes

Provide convenient and clear digital work instructions (SOPs) that are accessible to employees at the work station or on mobile devices at precisely the right moment, and avoid errors.

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